Friday, 22 April 2011

Matthew Tomkinson

The artist i've found that links to this project is Marko Stout because he paints images of the city in humanic ways and we can understand them using our experiences. He paints mostly New York City using the skyline and most common features. Eg. Statue of liberty.

(sorry its late)

Monday, 11 April 2011

Hi folks, Miss Howells here. Over Easter, make sure you take time to look at some of the artists other people have researched. It might be helpful to post links to the websites on here so people can find the artists' works easily. If everyone spends a bit of time just looking at different artists related to the project, we can have a good chat about what you think of the works when we get back. Have a nice break!

Friday, 8 April 2011

Dion Archibald

The artist I have found that links with this project is Dion Archibald. He links with this subject because his paintings are all involving cities, and they are painted significantly different than the normal painting of a city.
James Callaghan, the artist i found was George Brietner who painted cities in Holland

Neil Dawson

The artist i have found is Neil Dawson who is linked to this project because he makes lots of pieces of art of New York and of London. He is one of my favourite artists.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Aiden Chiu

The artist I found was Frans Koppelaar, he has done many cityscapes as well as seascapes and landscapes. Some of his drawings are of older times and some are from more recent dates.

harry stead

the artist i found which links to cityscapes is l.s. lowry he mainly does pictures of a lowry and old manchester. Which links to the city.